Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Marathon.....26.2

MY MARATHON.....26.2

 Shellie and I stopped to take a pic with 5 miles to go. We ran the entire lake behind us.
 Running up the hill......4 miles left. Ugh.
 5 mile marker aid station.
 Coming in to the finish line. I can do it!!!!!
 Push it, push it, push it.
 I did it. I did it.
 Yes! Hardest thing I've ever done. Honestly.
My family who came to support me. Thanks guys. We missed Logan......I trained for 4 months, putting in very long runs. I didn't think I could do it. It's amazing that I can do hard things. I did hard things. I am very proud of myself and that I finished. I realized how long 26.2 miles really is, and how athletic people really are. I was amazed how many people were there on their 3rd marathon in a week, or trying to hit a marathon in every state. I knew I was out of my league, especially with only 140 people that ran the marathon. But, I also realized that that is an elite group and I was honored to be able to be a part of it. I can mark this off the bucket list of items to do this year! I don't have a desire as of now to do another one, but you never know. ;) Time will tell...........what a ride.


Jill Heaps said...

I am SO proud of you Camille! You DID IT!! You can wear that with a badge of honor!! Congrats my friend, CONGRATS!

Dave and Ashley Blackhurst said...

Ick! That ABSOLUTELY looks and sounds like no fun...but good for you! No wait, is 26.2 miles REALLY good for you? Not sure. But way to go, anyway! Dave and I signed up for our first half. I'm sure I'll die. Fun hearing from you!

sbaughman said...

You have always been willing to take on the difficult, if not the impossible. Well done. Thanks for sharing. We love you.

sbaughman said...

You have always been willing to take on the difficult, if not the impossible. Well done. Thanks for sharing. We love you.